Tag Archives: Trivselsmåling

Measures of job satisfaction among your employees?


The APV is a necessary thing about judge any company reputation. It is a necessary task about work. Its measurement decreases the stress level of employees. The work of Trivselsmåling is a legal requirement which is a must be performing annually organize in all workplace. If APV measure great and valuable so it give great value to your company.  The measurement by APV method has steps and under it any company value can be measure.

The motives of APV are:-

•          Watch employee is a active or not at workplace

•          Employee receive unique opportunity at workplace

•          Give prevention to employee from pain and sickness

•          Decrease the sickness level of employees and save company policy by job dis-satisfaction.

The APV is a greatest way to Trivselsmåling any company position. This is a necessary task or methods about employees. It is a compulsory method and it change the way of working now. The welfare measurement is a great method to watch any company reputation and define the level of it. The APV is an annually measurement technique. For any company employees it is necessary to do Trivselsmåling, and by APV annually measurement it can be possible.